What Do Employers Learn When They Find Your Social Media Profiles?
In today’s job hunt, candidates have no choice but to pay attention to their use of social media and make sure they’re taking steps to harness the power of their online presence. In many ways, social media has become a game-changer in how candidates search for jobs – and how employers assess candidates.
As a job seeker, it’s your responsibility to take control of your social media image and ensure your profiles reflect positively on you as a candidate and as a person. Here are three important steps you can take to ensure you’re effectively showcasing your skills and expertise.
Clean Up Your Profiles
Because social media has become such an integral part of our lives, it’s easy to forget how damaging a simple post or photo can be on your job search and career at large. Before applying for any job, it’s critical you do a close review of all your social media profiles and identify posts which may portray you in a negative way. While your posts do not have to be professional by nature, they should not convey messaging or graphics that are offensive or could be misinterpreted or used against you.
Take Control of Your Online Image
The good news about social media is that it gives you the power to create the image you wish to present to the world. With many recruiters and hiring managers turning to social media when reviewing candidates, it’s never been more important to ensure your social media profiles present you in the best light. You can use social media to your advantage by demonstrating your skills, experience and career interests on sites like LinkedIn and Facebook. This gives employers an opportunity to learn about you as a candidate as they gauge whether you’re a fit for their company’s culture.
Engage With Employers
The beauty about social media is it allows you, the candidate, to connect with employers beyond traditional means of communication. By following employers’ pages and expressing interest in their employment opportunities, you’ll demonstrate interest in the company and open the door to an offline conversation that could potentially lead to a job interview. Using social media to communicate with employers will help you gain exposure to their hiring managers, as well as learn more about the company’s culture.
Are you ready to use social media to help you find your next job? Our staffing experts can help! If you’re seeking new employment, contact On Time Staffing, specializing in warehouse, manufacturing, and packing environments.