Set Yourself Up for Success by Asking These Four Questions on Your First Day of Work
Once you’ve gotten through the interview process and landed a new job, you may be feeling confident heading into your first day of work. However, just like on an interview, asking intelligent questions your first day on the job is important for making a solid impression in front of your boss and co-workers. If you’re unsure of what to ask, here four questions to set you up for a successful career.
1. What is the preferred method of communication?
With communication protocols being different at every organization, understanding the preferred method of communication at your new job is key for getting things off on the right foot. You’ll want to ask whether your manager prefers communicating in person, by phone or email, as well as how frequently you should check in to provide updates or progress reports. This question shows professionalism and respect for your boss’s preferences.
2. What are some of the obstacles facing the team today?
Being proactive with learning about your team’s current challenges will give you an idea of what to expect early on, as well as an opportunity to contribute to finding solutions as a new employee. Taking initiative to assist with difficulties and offer your expertise when appropriate is a great way to collaborate and immerse yourself in teamwork.
3. What does the performance evaluation process consist of?
Even though a performance review may seem far away, it’s important to understand the company’s process. For example, do they conduct quarterly or annual reviews? What criteria will you be evaluated on? By getting a sense of the process, you’ll know when to expect your first major round of feedback, as well as how often you’ll have a chance to ask for a pay raise, promotion or transfer.
4. Who will be available to answer my questions?
Asking up front where you should direct your questions will help to alleviate uncertainty and provide you with a point person you can turn to for help. Whether it’s a co-worker, mentor or your boss, it’s helpful to know where to go for assistance.
Put Yourself in a Position for Success at Work!
Asking these four questions on your first day will set you up for success and show you’re invested in your growth and performance at the company. Most importantly, it will help you make a smooth transition into your new role!
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