What Can You Do When You Don’t Have Time for the Job Hunt?
Do your plans to land a new job keep falling through the cracks? If you’re holding down a full-time job with a busy schedule, the thought of seeking a new job can be daunting. The key to an effective job search is to establish a routine that works for your schedule. By implementing the strategies below, you’ll maximize your efforts and find a new job before you know it.
Schedule Blocks of Time
If you don’t carve out time for the job search process, it will be difficult to maintain momentum and stay focused. Scheduling blocks of time each day to search and apply for jobs will help you stay on track without eating up several hours of your day. Just like you would schedule time to go to the gym or cook dinner, it’s important to set aside time in your day that’s strictly for job hunting and completing application materials. Doing this consistently will allow you to make progress every week so you don’t feel overwhelmed by the process.
Be Strategic About What Jobs You Review
With hundreds of online job boards, it’s easy to scatter your efforts and apply to any job that sounds good. However, failing to be strategic in your search can result in missed opportunities to apply to positions that truly align with your qualifications and career goals. To be strategic, make a list of employers and job sites with positions that closely match your candidate profile and interests. Once you have this list, it’s best to sign up for job alerts and e-newsletters that will automatically send you new job postings. The more you can automate your search, the more efficient it will be.
Commit to Building Quality Relationships
While it can be difficult to find time to network while working full-time, it’s important to continue building relationships. Remember, building meaningful networking relationships is about quality over quantity. You don’t need to meet hundreds of new people to grow your network. Instead, try reaching out to a couple of people each week whom you think would be of value to your job search. Respectfully asking for a brief phone call or coffee meeting is often all you need to start building relationships with potential employers and colleagues!
There’s no denying that job searching can feel burdensome, especially if you’re maintaining a full-time job in the process. However, being mindful of the practices above can help you land a new job while maintaining your sanity! If you’re looking for new employment options in 2019, apply today with On Time Staffing, specializing in warehouse, manufacturing and packing environments.