How to Start Building a Support Network During Your Job Search
Are you searching for a new warehouse job, but struggling to gain any traction on the job hunt? If you’ve been focusing all your time and energy on simply applying to jobs, you’re significantly limiting yourself and derailing your efforts.
What many job seekers don’t realize is one of the most important parts of any job search is strategic relationship building. Your ability to grow your support network is perhaps one of the most impactful things you can do to increase your job prospects, connect with potential employers and make yourself a more marketable candidate. Here are three steps you can take to start building your network.
Make a List of Connections You Know
As you jumpstart your networking, it’s easy to forget about the people right in your own backyard! By making a list of people you know like family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances, you’ll realize all the connections you have to potential employment opportunities. If you haven’t spoken with some of the individuals on your list in a while, it’s time to reach out and reconnect with them. By sharing an update about your job search and career goals with your network, you’ll open yourself up to valuable advice, insight and possible career connections.
Networking is a Two-Way Street
Too many job seekers have the “What can you do for me?” mentality. When it comes to effective networking and long-term relationship building, you must remember the importance of reciprocation and gratitude. Asking others how you can be of value to them shows you have a vested interest in their success and appreciate their willingness to help you in your career, as well. It will also help you cultivate these relationships for the long haul, allowing you to build a strong network of loyal contacts.
Check In Regularly With Your Network
You can’t expect to keep your relationships alive if you never check in with your network. Making a point to check in with your contacts regularly is key to maintaining positive working relationships. One of the easiest ways to check in with your network is by using LinkedIn to share your contacts’ updates and engage with them about industry news. For individuals whom you want to reconnect with on a more personal level, you may consider asking them for a coffee or lunch date. Checking in with your network on a weekly or monthly basis will allow you to stay on their radar, which is especially important when you’re seeking new employment!
Investing in building your network is one of the most effective ways you can accelerate your job search. If you’re looking for new employment options, get in touch with On Time Staffing. We specialize in warehouse, manufacturing and packing environments.