Five Steps to Get the Promotion You’ve Been Chasing
If you’ve been at your job for a couple years, it’s natural to start seeking a promotion. However, getting a promotion requires a sustained effort not only to showcase your performance, but take initiative that goes above and beyond the core expectations of your job. Believe it or not, positioning yourself for a promotion requires a strategy within itself. Through meaningful planning and action, you can achieve your career goals and improve yourself in the process.
Here are five steps you can take to land the promotion you deserve.
1. Create your own career development plan.
Before automatically seeking a promotion, it’s in your best interest to map out your own career development plan. By taking matters into your own hands, you can position yourself for success by fulfilling the education and training requirements you may need for the promotion. Once you do your research, you can plan ahead accordingly so that you acquire all the skills and knowledge needed to make the transition.
2. Do your due diligence.
Just because you may be an accomplished employee doesn’t necessarily mean a promotion is in reach. You must be diligent in researching your job and industry, especially as it relates to advanced job titles. Before going to your manager with a promotion request, it’s helpful to be well-informed about the growth path of your industry and what type of promotion would be most realistic for your current position. This means evaluating what future job requirements would consist of in a more advanced role and determining whether you’d be qualified.
3. Reflect on your current performance.
Just because you’ve worked at a company for a couple years doesn’t mean your performance is deserving of a promotion. It’s important to take a hard, honest look at your performance reviews and reflect on areas that may need improvement.
First, take a look at the results you’ve achieved through your job up to this point. Have you made an impact in any way? Have you exceeded your manager’s expectations? Asking yourself these questions will help you pinpoint exactly why you are deserving of a promotion – or why you may not be just yet!
4. Seek feedback.
As you consider what it takes to land a promotion, you must get out of your own bubble and seek constructive feedback. For example, you may find it useful to network with others above you at your organization and learn from their experiences. You may also reach out to others in your industry with the job title you’re hoping to obtain through a promotion. Let people in your network know of your interests and that you’d appreciate any feedback or insights they’d be willing to share from their own careers.
5. Communicate your goals with your manager.
If your manager isn’t aware of your career goals, it will be impossible for them to guide you in the right direction. Regularly communicating with your manager will allow you to receive valuable feedback as you embark on your career development plan. Receiving ongoing support in this way will ultimately give you the tools and confidence you need to continue learning and ultimately reach your career aspirations!
Ready to land the job of your dreams? Get in touch with the team at On Time Staffing, and get to work towards the next step in your own career development plan today.