Where Can I Actually Find a Job?
Looking for a job can often be a long, tiring process, but I have some news for you; it doesn’t have to be. Hitting the streets and knocking on businesses with your resume might have worked in the past, but the times have changed and so has the way we look for jobs. Here are four great places to start your job search.
Yes, it sounds obvious, but there is also more to it then searching “jobs” on Google. There are plenty of online job boards that are constantly updated with jobs, such as Indeed and CareerBuilder. Facebook recently launched a job search platform and has an increasing number of positions advertised daily. Many companies take to social media to announce their open positions, so that can be a great place to get leads on which companies are hiring.
Job Fairs
Job Fairs can be a great resource to help you secure your next position. They can be especially helpful for those who feel more comfortable communicating face to face. Companies usually have job fairs when they have multiple positions they need to fill. A company might be opening a new facility, entering their busy season, or just looking for extra help. Whatever the case may be, job fairs can be a great way to get you in front of someone who can hire you.
Local Bulletin Boards
A local community center, library, or college is likely to have a bulletin board for community news. Many companies will post their open positions to these locations. This can be a great resource to find positions that haven’t been listed Online.
Work with a Staffing Leader
Working with a Staffing Professional may be the best way to secure your next position. For help finding your next position, reach out to On Time Staffing by calling or texting 866-333-3007, or apply directly online at jobs.ontimestaffing.com.